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Big Bads

Big Bad 049 - Tarathial (PDF)

Big Bad 049 - Tarathial (PDF)

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Be Much Afraid!

A parasitic false god wreathed in magic, Tarathial is driven by its desire to feast and hold dominion. Atop its mesa, Tarathial constructs its Trembling Throne from the still-living bodies of those who disobey it. By using its magic to meld flesh together, it allows the hapless creatures just enough autonomy to writhe and scream. From atop this seat, Tarathial oversees its kingdom. It rules with no regard for the wellbeing of its subjects, cultivating a mix of followers and prisoners to feast on.

Will you conquer Tarathial’s dominion of torment, or will you become the next still-screaming additions to its throne?

Writing/Concept: Yubi Coates
Cover Art: Andrew Thompson
Interiors: Tyler Day
Published: November 2023

What is Big Bads?

Big Bads are fully illustrated 5e booklets, each featuring a new boss monster that includes details about the boss's back story, personality, and tactics!

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