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Big Bads

Big Bad 004 Tussentenner (PDF)

Big Bad 004 Tussentenner (PDF)

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The Hills Have Teeth!

The mighty Jarl Tussentenner was once considered tiny by hill giant standards, but now that he's become a werewolf, other giants better watch their step. Surrounded by his were-creature minions, Tussentenner is a force to be reckoned with and an excellent villain to add to your 5e campaigns.
Includes screen reader-friendly PDFs!
Writing/Concept: Ben Huffman
Cover Art: Henrik Rosenberg
Interiors: Jeff Miracola
Published: December 2019

What is Big Bads?

Big Bads are fully illustrated 5e booklets, each featuring a new boss monster that includes details about the boss's back story, personality, and tactics!

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