Rewards Progress
Tarot Decks - We’ve received an unfortunate update from our freight contacts regarding the tarot shipments. At this time, the shipments are still en route via boat and are now expected to arrive in British Columbia in early to mid-September. From there, they’ll be processed by customs and shipped to us by truck. Pending no further delays at the ports, with customs or with the final mile to us, fulfillment should be able to resume mid-late September.
We know this isn't ideal and understand the frustration with the additional delays. On our end, we're preparing to get fulfillment moving as soon as possible when the decks do arrive and we've started to build packages with the currently available rewards to expedite the process.
We'll post updates in addition to the expected monthly posts when we get word that the decks have reached Canada as well as when they've arrived to our warehouse.
Deck Storage Boxes - They are included in the second tarot shipment! We expect to see them arrive in BC in mid-September.
Spell Slot Reprints - The reprints have arrived! So excited to see them in person and begin shipping them out!
Spellshaping - PDFs were made available last month through BackerKit! We received some revision requests from the printer which are in progress, but we expect them to begin printing soon.