Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting: October Update

We've got an update on the physical rewards for you and, in the spirit of the spookiest season of the year, we wanted to share a few productions from The Revelia to get you in the mood this week! Check out how some folks are clowning around under the tent. 

Production Progress

Book + Physical Rewards – Physical rewards have completed initial proofing (this is where the manufacturing process is analyzed to eliminate errors or defects in mass production) and we're eagerly awaiting the samples from the run to review.

From there, the team will identify any areas that need changes and will work with our manufacturing partners to implement them. Completing this phase will mean we're one step closer to the fun part (mass production!).

Based on the timeline provided in an update earlier this summer, we're on track with those estimates.

Tales From The Revelia

Check out some actual plays featuring Heckna before Halloween! Did we miss any other amazing creators we should know about? Shout them (or yourselves!) out in the comments!

Midway Madness

From the video description!:

ROLLYROON VOR REVELIA, EVERYONE! You're invited to join us in The Revelia, a very dark and mysterious carnival, as we beginning our newest #actualplay of#Heckna! This all female cast is ready to take this circus by storm and learn about all the secrets it has hidden within.

Let's Roll Characters Presents: Heckna

From the video description!:

Welcome to episode one our first ever liveplay! Emilio takes up the DM staff and leads Windee, Dave, Brad, and Christian in a surreal adventure through Heckna's Revelia, a setting by the amazing Hit Point Press.

You can also revisit some of our very own Halloween specials featuring Heckna below!

Are We The Baddies?

There comes a time in every party's journey when they have to ask themselves, are WE the baddies? In this one-shot, the gang of revelers known as Heckna's Hellions are tasked with taking down and corrupting the worst, most annoying threat to the Revelia ever: a paladin.

Heckna! Halloween Adventure

DMed by Heckna author Ashley Warren, five players -- Jasmine Bhullar, Kayla Cline, Surena Marie, Tanya Rowe, and Gail Simone -- explore the dangers and delights of The Revelia.

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