Heckna! Carnival Horror Campaign Setting: Book Improvement Update

Today we have a bit of a longer update from the Heckna! team.

After sharing versions .90 and .91, we received some additional feedback on the documents. With this feedback in mind, we made the difficult decision to take the time to update the book to make it the best book it can be.

Mainly, we are working to structure the book in a way that helps the reader navigate the text as seamlessly and efficiently as possible. Additionally, we are updating how the art is presented to make sure the illustrations are framed in a manner that emphasizes the amazing artwork.

How we’re improving the book

1) Chapter structure

The biggest modification to the book is how the chapters are structured, with the aim of making key locations easier to find. What are currently referred to as chapters will be called “Acts,” and each act will be subdivided into several chapters.

For example, previously in “Chapter 1,” the Hostile Hostel, the Lost and Found and the Midway were positioned under headers within the chapter. After the update the aforementioned section will each have their own chapter within Act 1.

2) Cross references

Another change is how cross referencing and page references will be used. We are rolling back the use of these page references to only the most essential references necessary. The final book will be indexed, allowing readers to find key information quickly and easily.

3) Art

As we adjust the chapter structure we’re looking for ways we can highlight the art better.

Will this change the campaign?

We want to reassure you that the campaign story has not changed. The order of some sections and events will be shuffled around, and some chapters and headers are being renamed for the sake of clarity, but the content, story and world will not be affected.

How will this delay the book?

Though this process will delay production a bit longer, we strongly believe that the final product will be all the better for it. With the already released content you have everything you need to run and play Heckna! games. Our hope that the newer version will provide clarity and a better game experience.

We are estimating that the remaining updates will take us 4-5 weeks to implement.

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