Welcome back to Good News Friday! Check out what we’ve been up to this week!
Hit Point Press Community Discord Refresh

Look at how pretty the Discord setup looks now! The categories have emoji!
We’ve been hard at work revamping the Hit Point Press Discord Sever! We’ve been running the server since 2019, and are excited to transform it into a dedicated community space for fans of Hit Point Press and its games. In the time since we created it, Discord has introduced many new features to help grow communities like ours. We love engaging with folks and we want everyone to enjoy the time they spend in the server!
A preview of the new onboarding process!
We’ve set up Discord’s Onboarding to welcome new members, and added bots with custom commands and self-select roles. We’ve also reorganized the channels, archiving ones that we weren’t using and making the categories easier to navigate. You can find a post with a full breakdown of all the changes in the server itself.
Join our improved Discord here!
The Making of Humblewood 2: Mini Sculpting
Curious about how we make such beautiful miniature models? We have our 3D modeler Victoria to thank! In our most recent livestream, Victoria shows off her process and took questions from chat as they came in. Check out the full video!
Victoria scumpts a mini!
Upcoming Streams
Humblewood 2 Design Class: Q&A. Join Humblewood 2 game designers for a design Q&A! Tune in on Thursday, August 29 at 7:00 pm ET.
Hexbound News
We’re stepping up to get Hexbound over the finish line! Hexbound creator Antonio recorded a video update with all the details. Check it out!
That’s our good news for the week! Check back next time for more updates and good vibes!