Cubeamajigs Series 2: September Update + Rewards Progress

This update is pretty short and some of the information is the same as last month–we’ve included it below as a reminder! The movement this month is with the Cubeamajigs themselves. Take a look!

Rewards Progress

Cubeamajigs – We’ve received the final review copies! The team is going over them with production. If everything looks good, we can move forwards with arranging transport!

Podamajigs, Tokens, Lifepads – Our shipping partners have picked up all the product (we filled 3 whole 40' HQ containers) and they are currently coordinating getting the containers on the freight ship to us. They’ve been unable to secure a spot just yet, but we’re hoping we’ll receive some good news on this front soon.

Playmats – As the playmats are being manufactured in the states, we're aligning mass production with the Podamajigs and Cubeamajigs shipments.

Dragon Shield Sleeves, Pencils – In warehouse

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